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In the litigation process, the first step is the filing of a complaint. This is the document that initiates the lawsuit and outlines the client’s claims against the opposing party. Once the complaint is filed, the opposing party will respond with an answer, either admitting or denying the allegations. This exchange of pleadings sets the stage for the legal battle to come.

Often, defendants will file pleading motions before filing their answer that may delay the litigation process. Our role is to defeat those motions to proceed to discovery.

An Orange Lamp on a Desk

Written Discovery

After the initial pleadings, the next phase is written discovery. This involves the exchange of information and evidence between both parties. Interrogatories, which are written questions, are sent to the opposing party, who must provide written responses. Requests for production of documents may also be made, where each party is required to produce relevant documents for review. Written discovery allows both sides to gather crucial information and build their case.

As the client, you will need to assist your attorney in gathering documents and responding to questions. At the same time Inscore Law will be requesting information an documents from the defendant and third parties to get the evidence needed to win your case at trial.

Woman in Blue Scrub Suit Using Macbook Pro

Negotiation and Mediation

Prior to proceeding to trial, there may be opportunities for negotiation and mediation. Negotiation involves discussions between the parties and their attorneys to reach a settlement agreement. Mediation, on the other hand, involves a neutral third party who facilitates the negotiation process. Both methods aim to resolve the dispute without the need for a trial. These alternative dispute resolution methods can save time, money, and the emotional toll of a lengthy court battle. .

While statistically most cases settle Inscore Law treats every case like it will go to trial to be fully prepared to ensure a just resolution whether by settlement or trial.

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If a settlement cannot be reached, the final stage of the litigation process is a jury trial. During the trial, both parties present their case and evidence before a judge and jury. Each side will have the opportunity to call witnesses, present documents, and make arguments. The jury then deliberates and reaches a verdict based on the evidence presented. The trial process can be complex and time-consuming, but it provides the client with the opportunity to have their case heard and decided by a jury of their peers.

The client needs to attend each day of trial and will almost certainly give testimony to the jury early in the trial. Usually, except in small courtrooms, the client will sit with the attorney at counsel table and may even assist the attorney with the presentation of evidence.


In conclusion, the litigation process from a client’s perspective involves several distinct stages. From the initial filing of a complaint to the ultimate jury trial, each step plays a crucial role in building and presenting the client’s case. Pleadings, written discovery, depositions, expert discovery, negotiation and mediation, and trial all contribute to the overall process, offering opportunities for resolution and justice.

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